Dr. Tim Grayem - St. Louis Blog
Providing our patients and the St. Louis community with educational information to achieve their best smile.
Saint Louis Dentist Reviews Symptoms of and Treatments for Acid Erosion
Kirkwood Dentist Explains Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Treatments
Saint Louis Dental Implant Dentist Explains The Basics Of Mini Dental Implants
If you’re interested in tooth replacement options, then you have probably heard about dental implant technology. A specific type of dental im...
Saint Louis Cosmetic Dentist Improves Dental Aesthetics
If you are unhappy with the way that your smile currently looks, don’t despair our Saint Louis cosmetic dentists offer the treatments you nee...
Saint Louis Dental Implant Dentist Reviews The Ways that Dental Implants Can Be Used In Conjunction with Other Dental Appliances
If you lose a tooth, you want to know that you’ll be able to find a tooth replacement solution that fits your lifestyle, budget, timeline, a...
Saint Louis Dentist Explains How Bad Breath Develops and how to Minimize It
Many times, when patients think of having a “pleasing smile” they think about how their smile will look—for example, having whit...
Saint Louis Dentist Lists Symptoms of Gum Disease and Infections so You Can Recognize the Signs
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Saint Louis Cosmetic Dentist Helps Adult Patients Rejuvenate Dull Teeth with Dental Veneers
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New Patient Certificate!
$79 exam! Includes complete x-rays and routine cleaning (a $400 value).
Or $1 custom teeth whitening with new patient exam, complete x-rays, and cleaning at full fee (a $400 value)
Cosmetic Dentistry
Information Packet
How it works, how much it costs, and much more...