Treating Tooth Loss 101 With our Saint Louis Dental Implant Dentists

Written by Dr. Grayem on May 26, 2020

When you are building a restorative treatment plan, there are many factors to consider. Our Saint Louis dental implant dentists are here to help you assess your treatment options, and prioritize factors that are very important to you. Keep reading to learn more!


No matter what treatment you ultimately go with, our Saint Louis dentists will customize the visible portion of your restoration to blend with your natural smile. We actually use your existing teeth as guides; they’ll help us perfect the shape, size, and shade of your “new tooth.” 

Day-To-Day Life

Because dental implants are permanently embedded in the patient’s jawbone tissue, they are not removable. You’ll care for them and clean them just as you clean your natural teeth. Patients additionally love implant technology, because they can eat their favorite foods without worry, knowing that their dental restorations will stay in place.

Long-term Dental Health

The thing that sets dental implant technology apart from other restorative options is that implant treatments include titanium implant root that extends into the patient’s jawbone. Why titanium? Well, titanium has the ability to bond with natural jawbone tissue. So, once your implant root is in place, it will become fully incorporated into your maxillofacial structure 

Having a replacement tooth root from your dental implant will help you maintain oral health and avoid jawbone tissue deterioration. The stability of the dental implant also works to keep your adjacent teeth from shifting along your gum line.

No matter what your smile looks like today, our Saint Louis Dental Implant Dentists are here to help restore your smile so that you can enjoy it for years to come. Get started by calling our dental team to schedule a personal consultation. Once we are able to assess your oral health, we can give you a better idea of what type of treatment will meet all of your needs.