When serious dental problems arise, what can you do to repair your smile? Our Saint Louis dentists have the answers! We offer a number of restorative dental treatments that can rejuvenate and repair dental damage.
Let’s learn more about what types of dental treatments are useful in restorative dentistry. As you read through this list, keep your smile in mind—could any of these treatments help you reclaim optimal oral health?
Replace Missing Teeth
If you are currently missing teeth, it is imperative that you find a dental prosthetic that can replace them. Our dental team offers dentures and dental implants to restore your smile. These two treatments can even be used in conjunction with each other for an additional option.
Repair Damaged Teeth
Cracked or chipped dental enamel is unattractive, and it leaves your tooth prone to further infection or damage. In order to repair this dental enamel our dentist may repair the enamel with dental resin—this process is called dental bonding. Severely damaged teeth can be restored with dental crowns. And porcelain Lumineers can resurface uneven enamel so that it appears fresh and unblemished.
Lighten Dull, Discolored, or Gray Teeth
You can lighten your natural enamel with professional teeth whitening treatments to life entrenched stains and restore your white enamel. Alternatively, you can cover dark enamel with porcelain Lumineers or with dental resin to completely transform the outer surface of the tooth.
No matter what your dental concern, our Saint Louis dentist office has the treatments that you need in order to repair your smile. When you are ready to get started with dental treatment, you can call our office to schedule a personal consultation. You can also use our website to learn more about various treatment options, and to submit a question to our helpful team!