The restorative denture is a tried and true tooth replacement option. Although dentures have been around for years, the dentures of today are vastly superior to older models. Today our Saint Louis denture dentists will explain some of the advancements that have been made in denture technology. We hope that this will give you a better idea of whether dentures might be able to help restore your smile.
One important development is that modern dentures look way more natural than dentures of the past. Dentures today can be customized to fit the patient’s overall smile and aesthetics. The color of the denture will suit the patient, and the size of the teeth in the denture will be appropriate for the function and the appearance of the patient’s smile. Additionally the dentures will be shaped to mimic your natural dental shapes.
Dentures are also much more comfortable and stable than the used to be. The bases of your dentures will be designed to fit your personal gum tissue and jaw shapes. Our dental team can also permanently secure your denture in place using mini dental implants. We will insert mini implant roots in specific places on your gum line. Then we attach the denture on top of these roots. The end result is a denture that stays in place 24/7.
Ease of Use
If you choose implant-stabilized dentures, you will find that it is intuitive and simple to care for your smile. You’ll be able to eat your favorite foods, drink your favorite drinks, and clear your smile without having to soak your dentures. State-of-the-art stabilized dentures get rave reviews from dental patients of many ages.
Our Saint Louis dentists are happy to give you more information about all of your restorative dentistry options, including dentures. Please call our team to talk with a professional and schedule your consultation!