There are many types of substances—including popular foods and drinks—that can stain teeth over time. Plus, different types of dental damage can cause enamel to change color and become dull.
What happens when your teeth become discolored? How do stained teeth compare to white and luminous teeth? Our Saint Louis cosmetic dentists are here to explain.
First of all, we need to keep in mind that young teeth generally appear pretty white and luminous. Every person has a different level of natural enamel whiteness, but young, healthy teeth are pretty luminous. This is because the dental enamel in young teeth is thick and sturdy.
As enamel ages, and discoloration compounds, the outer layers of a patient’s teeth may start to look brown, grey, and dull.
This makes a patient’s teeth appear to be dirty, even if they aren’t. As dental discoloration worsens, a patient’s smile will look dark and dingy no matter how well they brush, floss, and rinse. Your teeth may look like they are covered with cavities and plaque, although they aren’t. Stains from tobacco products are especially prone to appearing as grimy streaks.
And because young teeth are naturally white and bright, discolored teeth will make a patient look, in general, older. Discolored teeth appear to be worn down and weak.
When it comes time to rejuvenate your smile, you want to make sure that you also address any underlying dental health issues that may be affecting the appearance of your teeth. You don’t want to achieve superficial cosmetic results only to leave the underlying structure of your smile at risk.
Our Saint Louis dentists would be happy to tell you more about the cosmetic treatments we offer—including those for dental whitening—when you give us a call. You always have cosmetic options—don’t keep living with a smile that you don’t love.